

Save money with us

After our last audit of the company turned out that 65% of our new clients come from recommendations. We thank very much to all the satisfied customers. Therefore, appreciating that we introduce cash back for each referral customer.

Our Cash back has a simple and fair rules. We invite you to participate in this program. If you have any questions call Kate 07707071452

Cash back is easier than you think

  • Cash back promotion is for our current customers.
  • Just recommend Kate's Maid Service Ltd to your friends, family, business partners.
  • For every new customer with whom we sign an agreement for cleaning services paid in cash to your hand, domestic: £10 cash back for a contract, which needs minimum of 2 hours per week cleaning, commercial: £40 cash back for contract minimum of 3 hours per week cleaning.
  • We pay you after the second payment from a new customer.
  • There is no limitation on the amount of  cash back, you can recommend just one customer, or more, for each will be paid out in cash.

Copyright © Kate's Maid Service Ltd - Company Number 10272782 - VAT GB270941989


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